There are a couple of reasons why a Liquidity pool that you are currently in may not show up on the dashboard. The following are some notes as to why you may not see your LP positions.
- Please make sure you are looking at the appropriate wallet. Make sure that under the wallet connection you have the correct wallet selected
- Did this wallet mint the LP token? Sometimes people enter a position and then transfer that LP token or vault token to another wallet. We don't currently support this type of transfer. If you'd like to track the position you can lookup the address that minted/entered the position and we should show the position on the dashboard for that address. This is something we're looking to improve in the future.
- If you recently entered a pool position and see an onscreen message on Apy.Vision explaining that a network is behind or currently indexing, there is a possibility that our subgraph has not registered your pool position yet. Please bear with us, wait until our data is synced and up to date before contacting support about your position not appearing. The status of our data connections can be seen here:
- If your Ethereum main network pool position is less than $50 USD in value either from the amount you purchased or due to market conditions it will be classified as a "Dust" position and will be moved to your "exited pool positions". If it's less than $5 on other chains it will not show on your dashboard.
- We also offer the ability to hide any pool, so if you have previously hid a pool but want to see it again the best way to do this is to clear your browser cache. You can trouble shoot this by using another browser (or phone) since we store this data in your browser. If you pool is visible in another browser, try clearing cache on your main browser.
- If you were able to see your pool before and it is no longer appearing and all of the above do not apply to the situation please submit a ticket with full details about the pool contract #, the pool pair, the AMM that it is on, and the network that is on -
- If all the above do not apply to you and you still do not see your pool, it might not be supported at this time. To request a specific pool or protocol please submit your request here - or if it is supported and not showing up submit a ticket for us to review: